Friday, January 31, 2014

Stardusk's 'Coming to Terms With Reality' - English transcript

With Stardusk's own permission, here is the English transcript of his philosophical masterpiece.

Hi. I’m making this video in part as a response to a comment I saw – I don’t remember the gentlemen’s name, but he wrote something to the effect of – not on my channel, was on something else: deep down we men, as much as we deny it, we want to be with women, we belong with them. And this got me thinking. Well, less thinking than just motivated me to make this video, and this video is all about coming to terms with reality.
I want – it’s not a commandment but – I want to make this video because I feel compassion and sympathy and empathy for my fellow men. I think a lot, beyond a lot of natural human tendencies to drift toward single solution ideologies and finger-pointing ideologies or what have you. I would agree with this gentleman. We men, we suffer from a deep, more than deep – visceral need for a female companionship. Expresses itself – men, we have… It’s very different to the need that the female has, the female has need for labor, resources, ultimately it doesn’t matter if those resources come from a man or not. It’s just very different. The man has this deep-seated need to have female companionship, not just for sex but for a lot of this sort of nurturing motherly kind of feeling that I imagine that a lot of men envision in women, it’s part of the illusion. But this video is all about coming to terms with reality.
Part of being an adult among many other things is accepting that some things will never be. Maybe you thought when you were a child that you’d be an astronaut – I know I did – but at some point in time you have to come with a rather soul-crushing realization that it’s not gonna happen. The problem – I can understand men’s yearning, I have sympathy for that, and even empathy, because at some point in time in my life I was there as well. But men need to accept reality. This is the problem. I think a lot of the hostility we sense from other men toward ‘men going their own way’ message or what have you, comes from the simple fact that they just don’t want it to be true. They want to believe in what unfortunately is just a fairytale. Love – at least the love you’ve been indoctrinated into, the love that is banded about and paddled about in society is a sham, it’s an illusion. It never was, it is not and it will not be. And as much as you might yearn for that illusion, it’s not gonna make it true.
I want you those words to sink into your head anyone who views this – as much as you want the illusion to be true, it’s not gonna make it true just because you want it to be true. Life is saddled with disappointments, and admittedly for the man, for the male being, the male essence if you will, that so craves the female companionship more than anything else - it seems - in life, this realization and internalization of that realization more than anything else – not just realization. Anyone can realize something. It’s when you actually internalize something that your behavior reflects that realization. Until you’ve internalized it it’s just a talking point, something you might’ve learned from a lecture or a book, something you might agree with on the peripheral superficial level. But to internalize it means you’re living according to that realization, whatever that realization informs you, that is the information, part of the information that’s guiding your life.
And the simple fact is – women never loved men, they’ve always loved what men could do for them. And the modern age has shown it to be even more so the case. It’s even more apparent, obvious, heinously obvious that this is the case. Women do not love men, they do not love men. And I know that pains many men to hear, and I know that’s the message men do not want to hear. I know that’s part of a lot of hostility towards men going their own way. Because unfortunately this is the harsh reality that men need to accept, and many men just aren’t there yet. They do not want to accept it. Love is a sham, it always has been, it doesn’t exist. Now I’m paraphrasing Barbarossa but in one of the videos which I thought was a landmark video for me – I don’t recall its title – but he essentially said something to the effect of, I’m paraphrasing, that there is no mommy out there for you. There’s no woman who’s going to embrace you in open arms and take away your worries and pains and cares and wants and needs, this is an illusion. This is the illusion you’ve been fed since your childhood. And as much as you want it to be true it’s not and it never will be true.
Now some of you might say – oh, that’s not what I really want, I just want something else, I want – it’s not an obsession, it’s just something, it’s just natural – so on and so forth. These are deflections. Most men have this deep-seated need for a female companionship, and it is unfortunately a need. But men need to face reality, need to accept that it simply is not true and it cannot be. That which is not, cannot be. I don’t know how to put it more clearly. I know that men suffer because of this, and that it’s painful. This realization, even more so than the realization, internalization of that is painful. That love is a sham, and women are – well, we know what women are. So I would strongly urge you to start looking at reality as it is.
There’re many people, mostly adults, who believe in all sort of things which are heinously false because it makes them feel good. Or they wanna have hope. Unfortunately hope is amorphous and lacks real content. As I’ve said in the past hope is the denial of reality, it is the carrot dangled before a draft horse in a vain attempt to keep it prodding on. The question you need to ask yourself as a man is what are you prodding on for? I realize how difficult this is. I think this is at the end of the day the crooks and the core of the issue, is extremely painful to the male being. To realize, accept and then finally internalize that there is no woman out there who will love you – women do not know love, they do not certainly. At least, perhaps they know it for their own direct progeny although that’s highly variable as we know. But it’s certain they don not know it for men. And given, as discussed recently, the mechanization and technological advancement of the modern society, they don’t even need men’s resources anymore. Though they don’t mind stealing them quite often.
As I said, I don’t know how else to put this. But this is the time to look after yourself. There’s no one else out there who’s gonna do it for you. Barring may be some friends or occasionally may be a helping hand. There is no female angelic figure who’s gonna save you from the pain of your loneliness, who’s gonna show you compassion and who’s gonna help you – it doesn’t exist. Yeah, I know, it clearly is to many men a painful realization and the internalization of that realization is even more painful. But at some point in time you need to be past that. If at one point in time in your life the greatest sense of fulfillment was the companionship of a woman you need to find a new sense of fulfillment that does not reside in the companionship of a woman. If you have seen past the illusion, if you’ve taken the red pill – you can’t go back, it’s that simple.
Now there’re some men who will never be able to accept the truth and never will be able to accept reality. They will continue trying and trying and trying. I suppose if they can deal with that and it doesn’t bother them and they have no issues with that – well, they can do that, they should do that. But to most men, or good number of men, I think these men are in a position to realize what is true and what is not true. If Briffalut’s law has any veracity whatsoever – and I think it does, you can observe it in your own relationships with women – you will realize these things. Once again, I speak on this topic coming from a feeling of compassion and empathy and sympathy. At some point in time in my life I was there as well. It is a very dark-dark feeling to know that you’re completely alone and that no one in the world will help you out of the hole that you’re in except yourself. Barring as I said an occasional friend. But unfortunately it’s this perception of a female as a figure of salvation, it is very much to your detriment, my fellow men, it’s not healthy. And pursuing that illusion, that dream, is likewise not healthy. This at the end of the day is the essence of what I am talking about. Coming at the grips of reality as it is, and it’s not easy. And some men, some people are better equipped to do that than others. But it needs to be done nevertheless. If you know it to be a lie and you want it to be true, you’re gonna encounter problems. If you want into the illusion and the fairytale of love and the kind loving understanding female figure – well, I suppose that’s not an issue. But if you realize that it’s untrue then it will be an issue. 
I’ve seen many, I’ve seen on Youtube and elsewhere many men go through this rather painful developments of the realization of this reality of the female, of the female nature, what they actually intent and what they want. And it’s clear, to some is very devastating. And you wanna hold on to that, that sliver of hope, which isn’t hope at all, it’s nothing, it doesn’t exist. This idea that a woman will sweep you off your… no so much as sweep you off your feet but relieve you of all your troubles and worries, who’s gonna be there for you . And it’s true, it is in your nature as a man to crave that, to believe that even. It’s a combination of biological drives and instincts and social indoctrination, and just hammered into you since you were a kid. So you crave that. But just because you want something to be true, it doesn’t make it true. So all I can do – and I’d say this is the core of my message – is to stop chasing an illusion. I know it’s painful, I know it’s difficult, I know you don’t want to believe it. I know when I realized it a while back, I didn’t want to believe it either. Even though I had had a sneaking suspicion – as I know many of you do as well – for many years that it was thus. So all I can do is to urge you to make use of your reason, to realize that just because something it not nice or unpleasant, doesn’t make it untrue. And that there’re a lot of unpleasant truths in life that we need to accept and work around and deal with. And this is one of them. It is perhaps for the man, the individual man, one of the greatest, most disturbing truths to realize, to recognize. However there’s no way past it. Like I said, just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it true. Just because some vision or a dream makes you feel good doesn’t mean that dream or vision will come true. 
I say this with all the compassion and sympathy in the world. You need to move beyond that and put that behind you. It’s a lie. Love is a lie. What you’ve been told is a lie. Just move past it. Accept truth. There is a stark beauty to accepting the cold and harsh reality of the truth. It’s something that the sham and illusion of purported love will never give you. It’s all I really have to say. But this is the core of my message – accept reality as it is. Goodnight.